A photograph of the last contests of draught horses
I like to go to make part of bowling when there is nobody and that the tracks are with us
Pavement of the day : "under pavements"
I have been tagged by Marie from Montpellier Daily Photo. Thank you , Marie.
These are the rules.
1. Link to your tagger and post these rules.
2. List eight (8) random facts about yourself.
3. Tag eight people at the end of your post and list their names (linking to them).
4. Let them know they’ve been tagged by leaving them a comment on their blogs
Here's 8 Random Facts about me:
1 I was born in North Africa and I miss here the sun
2 I stopped progressing in English at 11 years
3 I like to make jogging
4 I deal with club of Gymnastics
5 At work also I spend my time in front of a screen
6 I adore laughter
7 I collect the comic strips
8 I am reached the virus of the photograph
I'd like to tag:
- Tu sais que tu joues avec ta vie toi !!!
- You know that you cheeks with your life!!!
- Bon ça va pour aujourd'hui on se baigne mais j'aime pas être réveillé. tu as compris !!
- it's OK for today, we bathes but I do not like to be awaked. you understood!!
Oh je voudrais tant que tu te souviennes Cette chanson était la tienne C'était ta préférée, je crois Qu'elle est de Prévert et Kosma Et chaque fois les feuilles mortes Te rappellent à mon souvenir Jour après jour les amours mortes N'en finissent pas de mourir Avec d'autres bien sûr je m'abandonne Mais leur chanson est monotone Et peu à peu je m'indiffère A cela il n'est rien à faire Car chaque fois les feuilles mortes Te rappellent à mon souvenir Jour après jour les amours mortes N'en finissent pas de mourir Peut-on jamais savoir par où commence Et quand finit l'indifférence Passe l'automne vienne l'hiver Et que la chanson de Prévert Cette chanson, Les Feuilles Mortes S'efface de mon souvenir Et ce jour là, mes amours mortes En auront fini de mourir | Oh I would like as much as you remember This song was holds it It your was preferred, I believe That it is of Prévert and Kosma And each time dead sheets Te recall to my memory Day after day dead loves Do not finish any dying With other of course I give up myself But their song is monotonous And little by little I indiffère With that it is nothing to make Because each time dead sheets Te recall to my memory Day after day dead loves Do not finish any dying Can one never know with where starts And when the indifference finishes Pass the autumn comes the winter And that the song of Prévert This song, Dead Sheets Be erased my memory And this day there, my dead loves In will have finished dying |