Qui sont ces petits hommes jaunes qui courent?
Eric et Daniel partent pour 24 heures de course à pied pour le
TéléthonWho are these small yellow men running?
Eric and Daniel are leaving for a 24h run to help the Telethon
In France, since 1987, an annual Téléthon, for the muscular dystrophy charity in France, L'Association française contre les myopathies, is held by France 2 on the first or second weekend in December, with the support of France 3 and France 5, and the public radio networks (France Inter, France Info, France Bleu). Several events are organized all around France. Donations are made by telephone, Minitel or at the Téléthon's website (http://www.telethon.fr/). The 2006 edition has earned €101,472,581 (US$136,389,286) in pledges.