
Magasin en couleur #1

Store in color

The stores must attracted the eye of the customer
Do the garish colors make it sale?

Les magasin doivent attirer l'oeil du client
les couleurs voyantes font elle vendre ?

10 commentaires:

Marcin a dit…

The colours of shop are nice. But they should paint more then doors. ;)))

Olivier a dit…

deja elle attire, donc on s'approche, on regarde et apres.......j'aime bien les petits personnages decoupes sur la porte

marie6 a dit…

I would go into that shop as it's in red , my favourite colour and it has an interesting look, makes you wonder what you'll find inside???

Lori a dit…

I like the contrast between the red and the other softer colors in this photo. Nice shot! Yes, the colors of this store would capture my attention!

Dina a dit…

I think it looks like the Queen Victoria's pub in the tele series East Enders! I would certainly go in.

NorthBayPhoto a dit…

The bright colour definitely attracts your eye, so you notice the store so I would probably go in and buy something.

What does the store sell?
La couleur lumineuse attire certainement votre oeil, ainsi vous notez le magasin ainsi j'entrerais probablement et achèterais quelque chose.

Que le magasin vend-il ?

DS2944 a dit…

So british !!!!

Lavenderlady a dit…

Now I was thinking Chinese!

Gaëlle a dit…

Je ne sais pas si ça fait vendre mais, moi ça me donne envie d'aller y jeter un coup d'oeil quand même !

Anonyme a dit…

Quel charme ces anciens magasins ! On a envie de rentrer dans celui-ci ! Joli clic !

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