Better watch out or they'll butt you! Very colorful house in the background. Re your question on Ocala: If you look closely, you'll see that car has a California license plate. Of course, the kayaks may not have come from California. They may have been purchased or rented in Florida.
10 commentaires:
Elles attendent impatiemment que tu leur fournisses la moto!
Super les tondeuses... à gazon :-)
Better watch out or they'll butt you! Very colorful house in the background. Re your question on Ocala: If you look closely, you'll see that car has a California license plate. Of course, the kayaks may not have come from California. They may have been purchased or rented in Florida.
Deux chèvres qui aiment l'aventure elles ne sont pas très prudentes.
D'où l’expression sauter comme un cabri...
4 pattes motrices.
Et sans casque !
Quel humour!
Curieuse tradition locale. Quand auront lieu les prochains championnats ?
Voilà comment on désherbe les voies !
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