
Le tremblay - village

12 commentaires:

Manon,Stéph♡Mia a dit…

C'est un beau village et le ciel bleu est superbe!



Solange a dit…

Il y a eu une éclaircie juste pour la photo.

Revrunner a dit…

Well, at least someone got some sun. :-)

Lois a dit…

The sky looks so dramatic!

claude a dit…

Entre verdure et ciel menaçant.

tanette2 a dit…

Le village semble se faire tout petit sous ce ciel plombé...

Halcyon a dit…

Il fait aussi "beau" ici a Berlin !

Aritha V. a dit…

Powerful photo. That's a thundery sky, right? Or a hailstorm arrived later that day? You took this picture at a good time. Dramatic!


Unknown a dit…

Wow, I like it, such a dramatic sky...

Thérèse a dit…

Un vrai ciel aquarelle, bleu cobalt...

PerthDailyPhoto a dit…

Tremblay looks like it's in for quite a storm Bergson! Dramatic shot!

Gunn a dit…

Fantastic LIGHT in this image!

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