
Ne pas se laisser tondre la laine sur le dos

Do not get mow (eat) the wool on the back

French Expression of the eighteenth or the seventeenth century symbolizes both passivity and stupidity. Indeed, one must be stupid and dumb to get depriving without reacting. The choice is clear of the sheep because this beast has always been the symbol of docility

9 commentaires:

Revrunner a dit…

Like the new header, Bergson. Ol' mossback, however, is another story. :)

Solange a dit…

Surtout avec le peu qu'il a.

Daniel a dit…

L'herbe est toujours plus verte dans le pré du voisin !

PerthDailyPhoto a dit…

A pretty little flower would be the finishing touch :)

Tanya Breese a dit…

he looks a little drunk :)

Existe Sempre Um Lugar a dit…

Boa tarde, a imagem não é bonita mas a foto é excelente.

Marleen a dit…

I really like to photograph items like this, they tell such interesting stories. Thanks for sharing.

✿France✿ a dit…

OUI faire attention et tout se passera bien
bonne soirée

Catherine a dit…

Un début de Cetelem-ite aiguë !
Très instructif ce blog pour les anglophones. ;)

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