
Walk in the forest

A nightingale on the right, a chaffinch with far, a squirrel crosses further
All is calm rested, still a pleasant walk

5 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

Wow, this is an isolated walk and nice too. I would like this place to walk on.

Brookville Daily Photo

Steve Buser a dit…

Stop right there, let me grab my camera so I can come along -- there's going to be some great shots up ahead.

NorthBayPhoto a dit…

Great walking trail and great photo.

hpy a dit…

C'est presque la forêt amazonienne!

Cergie a dit…

Le nightingale quel beau mot, cela me fait penser à Shakespear...
Juliette demande à Roméo de s'en aller car elle a entendu le nightingal chanter...

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