
Hé moi,moi !!

Une vache modèle qui courrait vers l'appareil photo.
Une vraie star ; je vous la présente.
Mais quel est son prénom ?
A cow models which would run towards the camera.
it's a star;
I present it to you. But which is its first name?

7 commentaires:

travelphilippines a dit…

moo moo. hehe the one on the front is sooo cute hehe

Adamantine a dit…

Je voterais pour Marguerite! Non? Pas bien?

Anonyme a dit…

Here, where I live, when farmers used to keep cows for their milk that they sold each day, the favorite name of a cow then was, "Bessie."

Nice photography.

Brookville Daily Photo

Olivier a dit…

Comme adamantine, marguerite en version colorisée ;o)

M.Benaut a dit…

I'm glad to see that French cows are the correct colour. We have serious problems with the colour of our Aussie cows !

hpy a dit…

C'est toujours Marguérite.

MedaM a dit…

This cow really was very interested in what you were doing. It might have wanted to turn out nice on the photograph.:-)

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